- Does it feel as though all you do is put out fires instead of getting ahead in your business?
- Do you look at your bank statements at the end of the month and wonder where all the money went?
- Want to know how you can use the science of retail to maximize your revenue?
- Have you convinced yourself that retail is “too hard”?
If you said yes, to any (or all) of these questions, I’m here to tell you that regardless of the economy, regardless of your current financial state, it is possible to DRASTICALLY improve your profit margins in just a few months.
I’ve boiled it all down into an exact system using the science of retail and updated for what’s happening RIGHT NOW – June of 2015.

The RETAILMavens Profit Breakthrough System is designed from the ground up, bringing you my most powerful tools to get you more profits, better results, and have more fun in your business. You will have all the tools necessary to make more money year-round. But here’s the key: not only will you have the tools, I will give you the exact steps on implementing each of them in sequence. You’ll truly use your new retail knowledge to have a breakthrough in your store – and you’ll notice a difference within the first 90 days. Really.

Ok, that might be a stretch. But I will teach you easy-to-use, step-by-step methods that will allow you to finally feel like the master of your store, your finances, and allow you to get a lot more enjoyment out of your business.
- Make informed decisions about your inventory, markdowns, staffing and marketing.
- Know precisely how much money will be in your bank at any given time.
- Understand the behaviors that can sabotage your business’s success and how to avoid them.
- Create a team of employees that work in your store’s best interest (instead of their own).
- Create fantastic marketing pieces that bring traffic into your store.
- Make better buying decisions and go to market with confidence.

Do you feel trapped in your store? Afraid to leave because you don’t want to miss “the big” sale?
Do you fear your numbers (or maybe feel embarrassed because you don’t even know what numbers to look at?)
Are you getting by financially, but don’t know what’s truly possible for your store?
Do you feel as though your competitors have it all figured out, even if you’re not sure what benchmarks you should use to qualify them as “successful?”
Is the holiday season more stressful than fruitful? Does it feel as though you’re losing money because you’re not sure which strategies will motivate your customers to open their wallets?
Do you worry that you don’t have time train your employees to be as successful as possible?
Most importantly: Do you wish you knew exactly what to do to make more money in your store?
You are not the only one. I have talked to hundreds of retailers who struggle with the same thoughts and feelings. And regardless of whether they are highly successful, just getting by, or thinking about closing up shop, there’s one statement they all say:

Whatever it is, most of us start our retail business not knowing all that much about running a retail business. And maybe you worked for a big company before, but the odds are you didn’t study the ins and outs of retail management.
Chances are you’re naturally good at the “fun parts” of retail: picking trendy inventory, merchandising your store and creating a great customer experience. The truth is you take a lot of pride in your store. The problem is that your lack of retail knowledge is creating more frustration than profits.
More than anything, you’re likely exhausted. Exhausted of feeling inadequate. Exhausted from working 7-days a week (either because you can’t relinquish control, can’t find good employees, or don’t believe you can afford the best employees yet). You’re exhausted at pretending like everything is going perfectly even though inside you may be questioning whether or not you should be in business in the first place.
The bottom line is that you know that what you’re currently doing isn’t working and you need help. Only you may not know where you can find it or whether there’s anyone out there who gets what you’re going through.
Guess what? They do. And it’s me. The Retail Maven. (That’s me over there to the left!) I’m Cathy Donovan Wagner, and I’m called the RETAIL Maven.
Why? A client named me that because I helped her to achieve the store she always dreamed of. I am a trusted retail expert with 25+ years experience – and I’m passionate about showing retailers how to MAKE MORE PROFIT and have more fun. But the truth is that I started just like you. Everything I shared above is my story, too.
At one point in my career I had a business that was flailing. I was in debt and in the dumps because my dream of owning my own retail store had quickly turned into a nightmare. I dealt with trouble employees, deadbeat vendors, self-sabotage and more. For years I resisted help, until it got to be too much. I thought about quitting, but knew I would never forgive myself if I didn’t at least try. And that’s what I did. I tried. I got help. It changed my store, and it changed my life.
- Imagine being EXCITED to meet with your accountant because there are NO surprises (I know, it sounds crazy, but stick with me).
- Imagine no longer having your heart race when the phone rings early in the morning because you know that it is NOT an employee calling in sick and your entire day is NOT shot.
- Picture the unbeatable feeling of control from knowing that you are just moments away from being taught the secrets I have personally used to help my clients make hundreds of thousands of dollars.
- Imagine raking in more profit than you ever thought possible?
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This revolutionary program will give you the precise system to get all the moving parts of your store moving in the same great, profitable direction. You see, I know that owning a store means that you wear a whole lot of hats. But, really, can I be honest with you? You don’t look good when you wear them all at once. Let’s take them off and get each one to fit well once and for all. And you don’t have to do it alone. You have got an expert in your corner. A maven. The RETAIL Maven.
I opened my first store over 25 years ago and quickly grew it to 3 stores in Chicago grossing more than 2 million dollars. I sold them and have been consulting and speaking to hundreds of independent specialty store owners for the last 11 years.
I’m a national retail speaker and have been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Women’s Wear Daily, and Money Magazine just to name a few. I have learned what it takes to make a successful profitable store. Implementing these processes, uncovering opportunities and encouraging business growth are my specialties. I work closely with retailers to develop action plans that increase sales, improve cash flow and create success.
I am proud to say that in the last 6 years, my private clients have all seen MORE profits with each successive year. They have all made more profit each year for the last 6 years! I am uniquely qualified to teach you.
The other part of my experience is that I have made mistakes – ones that I don’t want you to make. I almost went bankrupt twice. It wasn’t fun. But I learned what to do to turn it around and be more profitable and love going to my store again.
Most importantly, I learned how to take time off…and create traditions and special times with my family.When our oldest was 18, she entered a contest sponsored by a national game company. She spoke about some of our crazy traditions – like getting a pie in your face on your birthday. That’s a photo of my husband and business partner Paul in action. Her essay won and we were named “America’s Most Fun Family.”
Actually, this is why I sold my stores and started RETAILMavens: I met store owners who were frustrated and trapped and second guessing themselves…It made me crazy. It broke my heart.
I knew that it didn’t have to be that way. I knew there were invaluable strategies, hidden opportunities and critical options for them. I wanted retailers to get more profit and better results, so that they could actually enjoy the process of running their stores. So that they can have more fun actually enjoy running their stores!
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When we decided to open our toy store, we knew we would need some help since we had never had a retail business before. We attended ASTRA Marketplace immediately to learn about the industry which is where we met Cathy. The smartest thing we did thereafter was enlist her guidance.

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- Demystify your financials and your Profit Point (Why call it a break-even analysis? No one wants to just hit that mark!)
- Remove any fears or doubts that you aren’t doing all you can to be successful and profitable.
- Teach you to finally go to market and trade shows with the calm assurance that your inventory is under control and you know what you need.
- Show you how to work with your staff so that you can go on vacation with peace of mind.
- Show you how to pay yourself first, with confidence, because you know exactly where the money is coming from.
- Teach you a proven way to create more time for yourself by leveraging your marketing efforts with emails and social media.
- Put you on auto-pilot with a structured step-by-step approach to your advertising calendar.
This is the only course I know of (trust me, I created it because I couldn’t find it anywhere else) that takes you by the hand and walks you, step-by-step, through everything you need to transform your life and your business.
Trust me when I say that you are going to get so much value from this.

- How do you want your life as a retailer to look?
- Do you want to work Saturdays?
- What is your personal money goal?
- Define your $1,000,000 store
- The secret to enjoying your work life

- Know your industry benchmarks and blow them away
- How to get from where you are to where you want to be
- What 2 numbers you can ignore, and the five you MUST NEVER ignore
- Does your accountant do a good job?
- Reducing overhead & eliminating the 11 Profit Killers
- Mastering your cash flow (REALLY)
- Quit putting out fires once and for all
- The tools you need to keep profit-focused rather than doing your best to “get it all done”
- If you only learn this, The Profit Breakthrough System will pay for itself 10 times over

- The key ingredient that allows you to laugh in the face of the internet
- Why this ingredient is essential to your success
- Gathering and managing the tribe in 2015
- Nurture your tribe and get them shopping

- The single most important part of your marketing plan
- What marketing really is in the new retail playing field
- How to leverage the 6 main avenues of marketing success (without hiring an marketing exec or spending all your time online)
- Get people to leave their computers and shop in your store

- Putting your current team on the Rock Star path
- Attract Rock Stars to work for you
- Establish a process for hiring and firing
- Inspire your Rock Star Team to SELL

- Why numbers will out-buy your gut every time
- Is this vendor profitable? How to know and what to do about it
- What is crucial to do first?
- What is stupid to do last?
- Your “Move-it-Out” Strategy – How long to hold on and the perfect markdown when you have to let it go
In addition to these classes, you’ll learn tons more to quickly accomplish all your goals and set up systems for making more money in your store AND adding more freedom in your life.
- Up-selling, bundling, and product packages that will up your profits.
- Different merchandising strategies that can increase your average sale.
- When to increase sales by having your team focus on average sale and when it is a waste of time!
- The nuances, tips and tricks that only come from years of trial and error (luckily for you, we’ve already put in those years so you don’t have to). Easy to implement, BIG results.
- How to motivate your employees.

I’ve put together a selection of bonuses for early action takers that will help you get the most out of the Profit Breakthrough System. These bonuses will get you to YOUR profit breakthrough FASTER, and that’s always a good thing.

- Get more profit from almost EVERY item you sell – right now
- Know without a doubt that you will have in stock what your shoppers want to buy, when they want it
- Get rid of your fire-fighting gear and guarantee your day is more productive – not just more for you to do, but more profitable things for you to do ($297 value)

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I cannot thank the Academy enough (sounds like the real Academy awards!!) but seriously –I am thankful that Cathy Loves what she does and it shows! What a gift to us!!

– Amy Minick Peterson (Amy participated in The Retail Profit Academy, which was The Profit Breakthrough System prior to its most recent complete update.)[/dropshadowbox]
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”raised” width=”autopx” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”5″ border_color=”#094D7C” ]I was just looking over my 11 goals from the start of the Academy, and can definitely see progress. I was hoping for 5 new customers a day, and in the last week we’ve averaged 10 (that’s when I started keeping track of newbies, but there are well over 1,000 cards in our 6-Box file).
I have a better grip on the numbers. My website is updated — not completely, but progress is being made. I was hoping for more free time in the evenings…not sure about that one. The marketing notebook gives direction every week. Cash flow is still an issue, but I feel I have the tools to do better with that next year, after this I’ve-done-everyone’s-Christmas-shopping-but-they-haven’t-yet time of year.
My last goal was to take my bookkeeper’s scowling photo off my iPhone, where she accompanies me to every trade show and rep visit. It’s still there, but I feel more of a partnership with her as we’ve worked together on the things Cathy’s taught. Thanks! Your insights have been invaluable.
– Mary Sisson, Kazoodles (Mary participated in The Retail Profit Academy, which was The Profit Breakthrough System prior to its most recent complete update.)[/dropshadowbox]

What is your investment to get the tools that will increase your sales and decrease your stress?! I am so glad you asked.
The Profit Breakthrough System tuition is $1999. I’m not going to compare it to the cost of having Starbucks every day or that it’s less than one expensive big name purse or pair of designer shoes.
As you can imagine, I did the math for you. I’m about to show you the value of this program. Here goes: If you followed these proven formulas and if your average sale is $54, you’d only have to make just ONE extra sale on Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday per week of the program! That is right – you would recoup your investment and change your life. This is a no brainer.
So…. Are you FINALLY ready to become the master of your store, take charge of it, start making more profit, and taking home more money? If you’re not sure whether you’re ready or not, I’ve got something exciting for you.
If I’m being truthful: My most successful clients take action right away. They know that momentum and decision create sales and profits. So I am going to reward YOU for taking quick action.
If you are wondering whether or not it is worth investing $1297 (or just 6 payments of $227), I have to ask you how serious you are about the value of your own time and business. You must be perfectly happy with how things are. I’m completely serious. Because if you are not happy then enroll now. I am a loving coach but a tough one. Stop kidding yourself. Let’s change the results you are getting from your store now.
You would spend that much on a new vendor hoping for good results – how often have you ended up marking it down…with The Profit Breakthrough System, 1 out of 10 students re-enroll because they found such great value for the money spent! Let’s recap everything you will get in this program:
- The Profit Breakthrough System regular curriculum including all the tools you’ll need and your step-by-step proven profit system ($1999 value)
- Access to the private Profit Breakthrough System Facebook forum (priceless)
- One 30-minute one-on-one coaching call with a Mavens Coach to laser focus on YOUR store and YOUR unique needs
- Weekly LIVE Community calls with Cathy and the Mavens Coaches to get all your questions answered throughout the program and keep you on track to more profit and cash flow
If you were to buy all these programs separately it would cost you almost $5,000! This is your opportunity to get everything for our Early Bird Pricing of $1297 (or 6 payments of $227). Combined, these programs will give you all the tools you need for retail success all year long. This is your chance to take your store to the next level with the support you need and the guidance you want.

You must not be really ready to make a change or you would MAKE the time to do so. Your concern about time and the “Retail Time Warp Zone” is one of the reasons I developed this program to help you fix this crazy problem. Get out of that hamster wheel.

If this is your concern you are probably right and you won’t. So don’t waste your money and time…oh… but you want things to be different? You know the answer to that. Let me paraphrase that famous quote from Einstein. I love it. “If you want different results – you have to take different actions.” GIVE THIS GIFT TO YOURSELF! COMMIT TO MAKING A DIFFERENCE in your store, with your staff, to your customers and finally…to yourself and to your loved ones.

Excellent question. I am proud of you for asking. There are no formal dress requirements but there will be reading lists. If you have any ideas for a mascot or you want to go out for the lacrosse team, let me know.

Yes, sure thing. You can also purchase for 4 payments of $347 billed 30 days apart.

Just so you know – everyone has loved it and, in fact, retailers signed up for another session because they got so much from the information and the support of the group! They wanted even more change for themselves and their stores.
Remember, when you are considering an opportunity to choose between where you’ve been and SUCCESS, don’t look at what an opportunity costs. Look at what that opportunity is worth.

You have just come home from a 2 week vacation and your team left you an email (per your instructions) telling you that they beat sales goal by 11%. You go into the store the next day and your desk is clear, the mail is open and sorted with a few highlighted questions on your desk. You walk out onto the floor and the new shipments were received, priced and are selling already! Your employee greets you with a hug and tells you about the fantastic event that they had while you were gone and all the wonderful responses to the marketing email that went out. Let’s not forget that this holiday season you absolutely rocked it out, bringing in more money than ever before. This is how you dreamed your life would be when you opened your store. That’s a RETAIL Maven store!
Happy Retailing,
P.S. As someone who knew nothing about retail – heck I was going to medical school – then I decided to open a store because I “thought it would be fun” and it was at first but then descended into a NIGHTMARE. Not just once but twice…all because of simple mistakes that could have been avoided. Please know that is why I created this program for you. I want you to get out of the hamster wheel and take charge of your store and not let it control you any longer. Do it. P.P.S. You have to read what Victoria said on Facebook about The Profit Breakthrough System:
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